Balance responsible party (BRP).

The purpose of a balance responsible party is to balance the supply and demand of electricity and gas at any time of the day. In this way, the balance responsible party prevents imbalance, which occurs when there is a difference between the expected energy consumption and the quantity of energy purchased for a customer and the eventual measured supply.

Independent responsible party

Every energy supplier is required to have a balance responsible party for energy. In such a case, the BRP works within an organization. However, there are also stand-alone balance responsible parties where energy suppliers can purchase their energy, such as PVNED. PVNED does not work within an energy supplier but is a stand-alone organization.

Balance responsibility

Balance responsibility means that all companies connected to the Dutch Electricity Grid are responsible for planning the production, transport and consumption of electricity. Balance responsible parties must notify this planning to the national grid management company TenneT. The planning TenneT receives from all balance responsible parties in the Netherlands is recorded in the Energy Program (E Program). Within this program, each BRP records the planned transactions and consequently, the energy production is matched to the expected demand. TenneT’s role is to check the consistency of the E Programs.

BRP register

The BRP register is a register of approved parties with program responsibility. All member companies must arrange their program responsibility according to the Electricity Act. Balance responsible parties can receive two types of recognition, namely a trade recognition and a full recognition. In the case of full recognition, a recognized legal person is allowed to bear balance responsibility, which means that this person can do the planning for all connected parties and commercial transactions. In the case of trade approval, this person is only allowed to do the planning for trade transactions and not for all affiliated parties.

Fully authorized BRP

As a fully authorized BRP, PVNED works closely with the national grid operator TenneT. We are therefore closely involved in important processes in the energy market, which allows us to represent your interests as a customer and to quickly switch with you. In addition, unlike other balance responsible parties, PVNED is independent. This means that we ourselves do not take a position in the energy market. This allows us to serve and advise our customers in an honest way. PVNED has the right expertise to ensure you get the best price for your energy and to relieve you of all your worries.

Want to know more or need advice? Contact us!